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There are unique Hitze Hotspots everywhere on the Erde. (Symbol image)
There are unique Hitze Hotspots everywhere on the Erde. (Symbol image) © image/Christian Ohde

A new study said the Zunahme of extreme Hitzewellen. Best regions are no longer affected – in Germany.

Munich – Extreme HitzewellenThe records are not able to reflect the rising temperature of the years, another phenomenon of climate hiking. An active study is aimed at helping the best regions of the world to impact that extreme heat like others. Exceeding the climate model may not prevent this development in this Ausmaß.

Kai Kornhuber, head of the study and researcher at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Österreich, says: “There are extreme trends here, the very physical scientific analyzes are not possible.” It says: “These regions have been rapidly expanding”.

In welchen Regionen die deutlich schneller zunimmt – in Deutschland ist dabei

Die Study, die in hole Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) clearing light Wurde, parse Hitzewellen der letzten 65 Year and identify Regions, in denen the extreme Hitze deutlich faster zunimmt as the Durchschnittlichen Temperatureen der warmen Jahreszeit. While in the years that experience these extreme heat waves, temperatures will start a few days later in the 2000s or more.

A Weltkarte, the insignificant Hitze-Hotspots, said that Zentralchina, Japan, the Arab Halbinsel, Eastern Australia, the South American part and the architecture of the affected regions are affected. Before all signals in Northwestern Europe are seen as “intensive and consistent”, it is in an IIASAMitteilung. Here all countries in Germany, France, Great Britain and the Netherlands are affected.

Extreme temperatures are getting higher and higher during the summer temperatures

In September 2024, there will be a new temperature regulation in Österreich, Frankreich, Ungarn, Slowenien, Norway and Sweden in the southwestern US. In these regions, the extreme temperature is measured during the research during summer temperatures – and at a certain rate, which is the more modern climate model of the current climate.

Kornhuber warned: “Diese Hitzewellen since in the rule with healthy health-related connections and the catastrophic consequences of the landwirtschaft, vegetation and infrastructure have arisen.” It is said: “We are not going to be able to cope with it and we are not going to be able to pass it on quickly.” Only in Europe will the Hitzewellen be released in the year 2022 and 60,000 Todesfälle, and in 2023, there will be 47,000 Hitzetote gewesen signal, reports the IIASA.

Heißeste Tage in Hitze-Hotspots are especially warm

“In most cases it was the case that the time of the years and was as short as the typical summer was the signal of the clima walks. In some areas it is so much longer,” concrete co-author Samuel Bartusek (Columbia University). The research found hotspots, while it gets very warm most of the time.

It is possible to shift the Gründe, erklärt Bartusek more. “A man who can use the best Wettermuster, who can also stiffen a Hitzewelle, häufiger auftreten, order that the water can stiffen the high temperature. It is very important that these specific local factors are nearby.” (tab)

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